Acqualina Resort & Spa is one of the most recognized luxury hotels in the industry.
When you stay at Acqualina Resort & Spa, you are guaranteed to get a five-star experience. From the atmosphere to the amenities, every detail is meticulously created for guests to enjoy themselves to the very fullest. That’s why we take pride in the numerous awards and recognitions we have received over the years.
We are continuously setting in the standard for ourselves as a quintessential luxury travel destination in Florida by garnering several coveted back-to-back travel awards. For the eighth consecutive year, Acqualina Resort & Spa was awarded the prestigious American Automobile Association’s (AAA) Five Diamond award. In fact, Acqualina is the only hotel in Sunny Isles and one of only three hotels in Miami to earn the hospitality industry’s distinguished award for quality and service.
Earlier this year, Forbes Travel Guide also recognized Acqualina as a Five Star Hotel, making it the fifth year in a row a luxury Miami resort receives the prestigious, ultra-exclusive industry accolade. In 2017, Acqualina is one of the only five hotels in Miami and one of only 175 hotels worldwide to be awarded a Five-Star ranking. Properties who receive this extraordinary achievement are determined by those who demonstrate impeccable and flawless service, exceptional amenities and an overall superior guest experience. Forbes Travel Guide also awarded Acqualina Spa by ESPA with a Five Star Spa rating. The luxury spa is one of three Miami spas to receive this honor.
These prestigious awards join a long list of accolades, including TripAdvisor’s Top Luxury Beachfront Hotel in the Continental U.S.; Condé Nast Traveler Reader’s Choice Award #2 Top 25 Resorts in Florida (Atlantic & the Keys); and Andrew Harper’s 2016 Reader’s Choice Awards for #1 Best Family Resort, #2 Best Beach Resort and #2 Best Spa Resort.
Of course, we can let these awards speak for themselves, but we’d much rather demonstrate why Acqualina earned these acclaimed awards and accolades with our continuous attention to detail, first-class services and sumptuous amenities.