Refreshing Ceviche

We’re sharing Avra’s Ceviche recipe. Follow our recipe and experience a taste of Avra Miami in your own kitchen.


By Avra Miami

3⁄4 Cup cubed white fish of your choice
● 1 Tablespoon crushed ice
● 3 Tablespoons julienned red onion
● 1⁄4 Teaspoon finely chopped cilantro
● 1 Tablespoon julienned Fresno peppers
● 1 Tablespoon julienned jalapenos
● 1 Tablespoon julienned red bell pepper
● 2 Tablespoons diced cucumbers
● 10 pieces of fried chickpeas
● 7 spheres of watermelon
● A pinch of kosher salt
● 6 1⁄2 Tablespoons Leche de Tigre

Directions: In a bowl, mix cubed white fish, julienned red onion, finely chopped cilantro, a pinch of salt,
crushed ice. Mix it well. Then add julienned Fresno peppers, julienned jalapenos, julienned red bell
pepper, diced ` cucumbers, Leche de Tigre and mix it well. Plate the contents from the mixing bowl onto
a plate and garnish with watermelon spheres and fried chickpeas.